Aug 27, 2014

4 Reasons Why I like Twinings Four Red Fruits Tea.

I am not fond of drinking hot tea because I don't like the bitter taste of the drink but this one is an exemption. Yeah, folks I gave a tea another try and I'm glad I did. My friend Lyra introduced me with this brand:

I'm glad I followed her advised. I totally changed my mind and makes me like to drink tea once more.

There are 4 reasons why I adore this brand of tea:

1. It has this fruity scent - a mixed of cherry and raspberry!
2. It has a hint of sweetness on its own though I add one tea spoon of brown sugar for extra kick of sweetness
3. The texture is light and mild.
4. It has no acrid taste which I do not like on tea that I've tried before (yellow tea and green tea).

What about you? Do you have any brand of tea that you really, really like? Why  not share it on the comment section below and let's talk about it.

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