Mar 25, 2015

Loreal Anti-Freeze Serum Leave On & 6 Reasons Why I like it

I have unruly hair and if you happened to be one of my closest friends you would know that I'm super addicted on using hair serum! It is timely that I run out of Etude House hair serum and the shopping hormones was activated in me that day. I went to Watson’s and Loreal Anti-Frizz Serum caught my eyes.  I guess it was love at first sight that I immediately run to the cashier to pay for the product. Hehe.

L'oreal Smooth Intense Anti-Frizz Serum Leave On
(Sorry for the bad resolution of the photo because I shot it using my dinosaur phone)

It has been two weeks since I am using it and I find a tremendous result in my hair. Here are my top 6 reasons why I like the product:

  1. It has this subtle floral scent like jasmine.
  2. It is not sticky nor oily when I apply it on my hair.
  3. My hair becomes less rebellious and easy to manage.
  4. It gives my hair a mild shine minus the oily wet look.
  5. It is cheaper I bought it at Watson's for 345 pesos! It is more inexpensive than the Etude House Hair Serum.
  6. It has Argan oil which is very good on hair.
Do you have any hair serum that you use in your hair? Share your stories in the comment section below.

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